
Oculus Eye Hospital

We are doing eye operations at very reasonable rate.Although ours is a private hospital,but our charges are comparable and sometimes less than the other charitable hospitals working in our area.

For the welfare of poor and rural patients ,we are regularly organising eye camps in rural areas and in our hospital.In these camps we do free computerised eye check up ,provide free eye drops to the patients and do free eye operations with lens implant with latest phaco technique.Their followup is done at their door step by our eye mobile unit.

Sometimes these camps are sponsored by NRI or village societies and sometimes our hospital itself do free or concessinal eye operations on its own.

But as you know the backlog of cataract caused blindness is so much prevalent in society as whole and poor and rural areas in particular that on our own we cant provide the necessary medical care to all deserving patients.For this lots of funds are required for organizing eye camps in rural and slum areas and providing these patients latest medical facilities

I was given to understand that you and your charitable foundation are doing valuable services for the welfare of not so blessed sections of society. It would be nice if your charity/ Foundation can attach with our hospital in some manner to eradicate the menace of blindness from society. As you know the scale of this menace is so wide that it demands some coordinated efforts from hospitals and some welfare organizations like yours.